Last Chance to Win a Dharma Beer Koozie:
The January Contest (Part 1)
OK, this is gonna be quick because there's not much to say except that I only have a handful of Dharma Beer koozies left, and I want them off my hands. The Twitter contest for them is over and another Twitter-based contest (for a different prize) will start in a few days, so I'm giving Long Live Locke readers one last chance to be the proud owner of a can holder that will transform any drink into a Dharma Beer. These are fun little party favors that my husband designed and, since I've been asked this a lot, no, I have no intention of selling them. I'm almost out and I want them to find a happy home with some deserving LOST fans.
To win one, all you have to do is give me a short toast for the final season of LOST. And do it quickly -- by 10 AM Central Time tomorrow (Tuesday, January 12), to be exact. One entry per person, and anyone from any country can enter, as long as I'm allowed to mail to you from the U.S. ONLY entries here on Long Live Locke will be counted -- no tweets, Facebook messages or replies to the emailed posts, please. In addition, if you include spoilers I will not publish your entry.
I'll still draw winners (eight of them) randomly, but you must submit a toast in order to be considered. It could be something as simple as "Here's to the end of the love triangle!" or more involved, like "Final Season of LOST: May your answers be many, and your Nikki and Paulo scenes be few, if any."
Good luck and have fun! I will post the eight winners tomorrow afternoon or evening.
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Here's to Vincent, secret king of the island and all of it's inhabitants.
To one hell of a season!
Let's raise our MacCutcheons to LOST's final season - may the satisfaction of answered questions be surpassed only by the delight of mysteries that remain.
Here's to slumber parties in cages, tall walts, and an assortment of lockes!!
Here's to the end of Lost, it was a sacrifice the island demanded.
Let's raise our Long Island Iced Tea and Mai Tais to the delight of Alvar Hanso and his longtime friend, Gerald DeGroot.
I'm gonna raise my Dharma boxed wine to the new season, may it be as super as the last five.
FDW rum tastes like ass.......but here's to ya !!
Hopes that this is the real final season.Spin'off must kaboom.Answers will rain before it's end.Or something like that, hard to toast in english for sure :)
Here's hoping our favorite characters see the end, and our least favorites don't ;) Prosit!
To the smoke monster, may you only haunt our dreams for 5 more months.
To Hurley and the rest of the LOSTies in 1977, may your hands not fade like Back to the Future.
To LOST!!..."Don't tell me what I can't drink!!!!"
Raise a glass to friends departed, time travel, consciousness jumping, mysterious numbers, white food boxes, insane asylums, dark and light game pieces, and of course that kiss. And be sure to thank Jacob for all of it.
The final LOST season, although bittersweet, may you have much more in store, for us to Tweet.
Its "a beginning to an end", or so the commercial says, we all just want answers, to all that there is.
crying and screaming and yelling once more, and two Lockes, are the only things that i am sure.
plenty more twists, and a couple more turns, a resolution to the love triangle, is all my heart yearns
Here's to the nicknames given by Sawyer. Let's hope they will be as clever in the last season as they have been in seasons 1-5.
Here's to Lost, for being the best TV show ever... and bringing the joy of Sawyer into my life! *swoooon* x
To Lost's final season, may Ben be evil, may Vincent wag his tail and may it be the most epic tv in television history!
Godspeed LOST. May your ending piss off as many as it delights!
Heres to changing the past, becoming the past & starting everything a new!
Here's to Whatever Happened Happened, and What Will Happen, Will Happen!
Here's to the last season of Lost! May all airplane crashes end in boar's-meat rotisseries on the beach, polar bear cage trysts, time travel, and cases of Dharma beer. Godspeed!
To Kate and Claire's hair - may they be island curly and not fake LA straight.
A toast to Dharma Beer and Swan worker Alvarez- Tastes great; less filling.
To Lost...see you in another life, brother.
To all the obsessed button pushing men of faith looking for a magic box who don't want to be told what they can't do, I say this has been one hell of a walkabout. Cheers!
Here's to Smokey, may the summoning tool not really be a toilet.
Here's to LOST and all it's mind-bending twists and turns. May this season bring us the answers we've anguished over since Season One and then some! And one more thing: Thanks to all the LOSTies that have given us an extra dimension to a great story! You're the best!
To the final season - I am going to be so LOST without you.
Let's raise our Dharma Beer to a great group of survivors from the past to the present. Let's hope they all make it to LAX! CHEERS!!!!
Here is to a new season
Lets hope we get a reason
Why Jacob was so touchy
Why the numbers made Hurley so unlucky
For Clare's disappearing
And for the statue in the clearing
What we all want to know
Is what exactly made the sky glow
What is Walt's special gift
And if Jack's life attitude will get a lift
When we get answers to mysteries we will all be glad
And I sure hope Sawyer does not stay sad
Here's to a great show and a great last season!!!!!
Here's to e...thanks for the great recaps of the past and to the one's this coming season. Thank you.
here's to the final season and here's to free will!!
Here's to Season 6 and the final leg of our Journey. LONG LIVE LOST!
I'd like to raise a glass to finding out that it's all in Hurley's head after all. What are the chances he would actually win the lottery with those numbers. Dave was right!
Here's to great islands. May Puerto Rico (where I live) be more like THE Island, minus the Smoke Monster.
I forgot to add,
I love you e.
here's to great television and here's to free will!!
Here's to WAAAAAAAAAALT!!!!!!!!
(p.s: I don't have a Blogger account; my e-mail is!)
To Mr Eko for making the bible super neato
Here's to LOST. You started out as a TV show but have become so much more. You are an educator, new friend connector, entertainer and so much more. You may fly into the sunset this season but your lessons and friendships will live on. Thank you. Long Live LOST
After all these years here's to everyone who stayed along for the ride, through the bad times and the good I think it's safe to say this last season shall be very emotional and damn right awesome! CHEERS!
Here's to tasting like fish biscuits . . . the way Kate did!
here's to finding out what on earth is going on in Lost :o)
Here's to finding out why they researched polar bears and how the heck they ended up in the desert!
To Shannon, the hottest chick on LOST. May she R.I.P.
Here's hoisting one to exploded pieces of Artz, Radzinsky's hair, and the Man in Black in Jacob's chair.
May Eko respect you,
Erroneous time travel neglect you,
Smoke Monster protect you,
And Jacob accept you.
Here's to a great final season of the best television show ever made. Lost. Whatever happens, happens.
Here's to satisfying our LOST obsession through the final season but also to getting all of our questions answered!
To, (L)ove...(O)thers...(S)ecrets...(T)ime Travel May you (Long Live) and stay in are (Hearts & minds) Forever
Here's to Rose and Bernard, staying sane and alive while so many others have failed!
Here's to old friends reunited and new enemies vanquished. Namaste!
Here's to the last 3 weeks of sanity.
Here is to Benjamin Linus. Because he always has a plan.
Here is to LOST's final season
and Jack's choosing faith over reason
From Desmond's MacCutcheon
to Jacob's nose-touchin'
May the answers we get be appeasing
Here's to a Rose and Bernard, may your life on the island be long and love filled!!!
I Raise my DHARMA water bottle(not 21 yet.) to what will be one of the greatest seasons of lost and that we will hopefully discover that our favorite lost characters aren't actually dead(Mine's Faraday btw)
Hip Hip, Huzzah!
Here's to Desmond, the key to Lost.
Here's to Locke and Jack, a man of Faith and a man of Science, and to Jacob, He who will save us all. Oh and to Damon and Carlton, for we would be lost without LOST! :)
On Freckles, on Jabba, on Doc and on Twitchy, on Frenchie, on Enis, on Blondie and WAAAAAALLLLLLLTT!! Cheers!
Here's to the final season of LOST: hoping it's filled with jaw-dropping moments, mysteries solved (although not all of them) and many sleepless nights anticipating the next week's episode!!
Here's to the end of LOST, and the end of being afraid to look at certain websites for fear of accidentally reading a spoiler!
Here's to LOST and Erika's awesome blog!
Here's to the one last spin of the Donkey Wheel and a captivating final season!
Here's to the final season of Lost: May it bring much ranch dressing, and no more tattoos for Jack!
Heres to the best show ever, and may it always be remembered as just that.
Here's to Locke, Lost, and Locke!
To Lost: May we live together, and never drink alone!
Here's to the greatest show that ever lived and the fans who've lived for it week after week - thanks for the memories (mine, mostly of Sawyer...) and here's hoping for a fulfilling final season for us all!
Here's to the end of's been such a crazy, fun ride...may we awaken to find it's just a bad nightmare and there are really ANOTHER seven seasons!
Kelly Jones
To the Losties! May the final season end where it started.
Here's to season 6...may there be many more of the "WTF!?" and "Holy !@#$%" moments that we all live for!
Here's to Boone making a triumphant return and revealing that he is in fact Jacob's father.
Wow, what a great 6 years. To all of the people who have been with Lost from day one--here's to hoping we'll be able to find another obsession half as good Lost.
"Here's to Dr. Artz...may the last season of Lost be just as explosive!"
A Toast to the final season of Lost! Where, with only a few episodes left, our band of Losties will finally start asking each other the questions we've been asking each other for the last 5 years. Namaste.
here's to the sixth season of lost being better than the previous five combined
Here's to the imminent end, in hopes that we will make the kinds of discoveries that cause a flurry in our loins, but NEVER know everything.
Here's to a satisfying end to the most loved-yet-hated-at-the-same-time show ever to grace our television screens; may all our theories and predictions turn out wrong. :)
"To the end of LOST ... SON OF A BITCH !!! "
Heres to you Erika, for giving us lost "LOST" souls a place to hang and to read your wonderful recaps since we cant understand some of the crazyness of the show.
Here's to an awesome cliffhanger to lead into next year's zombie-season!
Here's to Lost, changing network TV for the better and taking fan interaction beyond the watercooler and into the next era of Internet involvement.
I raise my glass to US, the fans of LOST, for battling the muck-raking nay saying sheeple to blast our beloved Island into the stratosphere of science fiction yumminess...for out of the rubble of circular plotlines, cookie cutter pilots, and reality faux-shows our lush enigmatic Island emerged to capture the intellect and appetites of our forward thinking world...Saying good-bye will be so bittersweet..Thank you for the knowledge, the challenges, and that good ole supernatural love.
Here's to the ending of the amazing experience LOST has been on so many levels, and to the (much more than) 108 hours I (and many with me), will use, after all is said and done, to rewatch and relive the experience.
Here's to Adam and Eve, who, by the looks of it, were abandoned twice, once before they died, then by Jack & co long after their death. Hard, hard life.
Here's to 268 "Dudes"...and counting!
May Sawyer perpetually be without his shirt and may Nikki and Paulo remain in the dirt!
Here's to the end. Bittersweet it is, The Island will always live.
Here's to the end of the best TV that ever was :( but also answers... FINALLY!!
To LOST, from Seasons 1 to 6,
And all the mysteries laid betwixt.
May Darlton send
An enlightened end
For the sake of the sanity of all my LOST friends!
Alas, to poor Sawyer, who must be weeping for there are no more Lost babes* left to conquer.
* not currently married, that is.
Drink one for Charlie... and drink one for Locke...Thank you Darlton.. You really Rock...
Here's to the end of being Lost...once unaswered questions are Found in Season 6!
To the beginning of the end of the best show ever!
Here's to the black smoke seeing his shadow on Groundhog Day!
Here's to finally getting answers to all the mysteries the island has served up to us!
May the right side win and the good guys come out on top - whomever they may be!
May we get our questions answered and then be left with the peace and warmth of a great journey with some amazing characters.
(It's the one that says it best!)
Long Live Locke!
Let's raise our glasses in honor of LOST, the best show ever made! It has inspired millions and will live forever in our hearts :D
Here's to the Obama administration for not making us wait for this final season any longer!
Let's re-start with a BOOM!
May the road to redemption rise up to meet our LOST-ies as one journey comes to an end and another surely just begins!
As I raise my glass, with a tear in my beer, I'd like to thank "Darlton" and company, for many hours of suspense, drama, love triangles, and SHIRTLESS SAWYER!! Our tv viewing lives will never be the same---
Here's to the wait being nearly over!
Here's to The ONLY TOP SHELF Show , Top Shelf for all my Friends Please!
To Erika, my Evil Twin....though we've never met, we're from the same neighborhood, we love Earl Grey tea, and we love LOST!
Here's to LOST, my once-in-a-lifetime love and my single obsession. Here's to finding a way to live without you after this final season ends!
Here's to you all, everybody! Have a mind-blowing final season!
Here to the end of lost may the numbers live on forever
May Sawyer remain shirtless throughout!
Here's to Lost. Skeletor likes it, and so do we.
To the final season of Lost, hopefully it will all be worth the Waaaaaaaaaaallllllllllttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's to Team Hurley, Team Vincent, Team Jin, and Team Locke! It's been a great ride - the last season will rock!
Here's to Damon, Carlton (and to a lessser extent, that Trek-rebooting, Alias-maker, JJ Abrams). Thank you all for the six-year mindf*** that is LOST.
Here's to Richard, may you stay forever young.
Fans and foes alike, be upstanding and raise your glasses, may we not be disappointed but continue to be indulged. Namaste, soothe and incite.
Here's to the last season of LOST I hope they all live together and don't die alone.
To LOST: After six glorious seasons in prime time, you will live on forever on DVD and in my heart!
Here's to finding out what lies in the shadow of the statue.
Here's to finding out what the Dharma shark actually means!
I'm all for toasting the final season of any milk?
May all things old of Lost seasons past, find their way to the new with memories that last... longer than all the red-shirts did!
Here's to the man in the skinny tie, the best nerd the Island ever saw
Raise your glass, because:
You thought you had answers, it's true,
But the island will win through and through,
So we'll sit here and watch
In this trap we are caught
But we had our fun doing it; didn't you?
"Lost".. the answer to "where are all the explanations we were looking for???"
Here is to the best is yet to come!
Raise your Dharma Beers because the ride is over and then we will have LOST theme parks! Du Du DUUUUU
Here's to an amazing last season and may Richard Alpert finally reveal his secret of eternal youth to Cover Girl.
Heres to sugar plum fairies.
Here's to the end of the greatest thing to ever happen to television - long live Locke, and long live L O S T
I know I'm going to cry like a's to the tear in my beer (that's hopefully in a Dharma koozie!)
Here's to the last season of one of the best shows ever created! No matter the outcome, I'm proud of ya!
Here's to the watching warm sunny tropical beaches while we huddle inside away from the bitter cold February winds! To Walt and Claire - who were my favorites until they disappeared. To Shannon and Ana Lucia who I still miss. And to Jack and Sawyer - the reason I still watch.
Here's to LOST 2010!! <3 Drink a Dharma Beer for me!!
here's to the day after each episode, when we get to share our insane musings with our co-workers!
I wish you would've believe me//♥
Here's to MORE Juliet and less Kate!
here's to the end... or maybe it will just be the beginning again. see you on the other side!
Let's raise a toast of Sawyer's box of wine in the barracks to the word "Namaste" and how it makes Erika feel every time she hears it.
here's to the end... or maybe it will be just the beginning again. see you on the other side!
Here's to the best being yet to come, according to Darlton.
Here's to LOST, may this season be the best season of all time in television, and may it make the other tv series look like silly cartoons. May the final season be so awesome that it will remain in our heads and give us material to discuss it for decades to come.
Here's to Hurley finding peace from the numbers
Any comments entered under this one will not be considered.
I'll announce the winners later today, thanks for entering!
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