The March Contest: Which Lost Prop Would You Want?

It's time for the March contest... up for grabs this time is a Lost-inspired t-shirt of your choice from the very awesome Detour Designables. One of their tees, "We Have to Go Back," recently won the Island Category in the contest I wrote about last month. And as you can see to the left, they have some other extremely cool options the lucky winner can select from as well.
So here's what you have to do to be entered into my random drawing:
1) Via a comment left on this blog and specifically under this post (no FB or Twitter entries this time, sorry), tell me what bit of Lost memorabilia you'd love to have if you could keep absolutely anything from the show. It CANNOT be one of the actors/actresses/characters/Vincent. I'm thinking more along the lines of a prop... like the arrow that killed Frogurt. Maybe that's a bad example.
2) In that same comment, paste in the product page URL for your favorite Detour Designables Lost-inspired shirt after browsing their online store here (most Lost designs are at the top, but I also saw an Oceanic 6 one about halfway down and a Fish Biscuits one in the last row...)AND

Anyone can enter from any country, but you can only enter once. And I'm not going to publish any inappropriate comments, so let's keep it clean, folks.
Good luck!
- e
It's tough, but I have to narrow it down to Mr. Eko's stick and an actual Fish Biscuit. I would have to say that the Mr. Eko's stick narrowly wins.
My pick for the shirt design would be Desmond is my Constant.
Thanks Erika!
This one is too easy. The Dharma Van. With Dharma beer still inside, and 'Workman' corpse...errrr Ben's Dad riding shotgun so I can take the HOV.
Matt in Dallas:-)
Without a doubt, Eko's "Jesus Stick."
For the T-shirt, my choice is (I'd go with an XL in the Military Green if possible).
I also thought the Vandelay Industries shirt was sweet, but that's beyond the realm of this competition.
I would love the baby squirrel in Claire's bassinet.
The Guitar Case with the Ankh inside of it.
My pick for a shirt is the "I'm so Lost" t-shirt.
Oooo Erika....what a fun contest! I would want to keep Desmond & Penny's picture! I would probably frame it and put it up on my mantle with all my important family pictures, as I will miss them terribly when the series is over. haha! They are my favorite couple on LOST, and I am hoping they make a return to the show SOON!
My favorite t-shirt design is of course, "Desmond is my Constant":
I would say Locke's compass, because it would remind me of Locke and Lost in general, would look cool on my desk, and I could convince people that I can time travel. Second to that would be the Frozen Donkey Wheel, but that's not really a prop.
My shirt:
I would like Desmond's Fail Safe key for the Swan Station. It's tough to narrow it down!
I'm picking the "I'm So Lost" design:
Thanks, Erika!
While I'd love to have the Frogurt-killing arrow, he sells blenders at my Costco and that would just be lemon juice in the cut so...I'd much rather have Sawyer's La Fleur jumpsuit. And my shirt choice is the I'm so Lost v-neck. Thanks, Erika. You are awesome!!
Julie Watson
I would love to have a Dharma jumpsuit - I think it would make an awesome Halloween Costume.,432587602
For me it would be Charlie' DS signet ring.
And for the T-shirt, I would pick the "I'm so LOST" design:
Thanks, e!
This is so depressing, but I'm gonna have to go with Charlie's Sharpie. So many memories; "LATE", "FATE", "Not Pennys Boat" :(
Also, my fav shirt is "I'd Hit That (Every 108 Minutes)"
I'm going to be sad when season 6 ends and I won't get to read your reviews anymore Erika!
Such a hard question...can I just get the whole Island? :P
I guess not, so I would like to have Faraday's journal. I'm really curious to read what's in there.
I'm going to have to go with Daniel Faraday's journal- complete with "If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant" of course!
My pick for the t-shirt design is (because it made me laugh out loud):
i would have to say a dharma van, in working condition, though i have no idea where i would put it :P.
Thanks e. I think the compass that Locke had that he gave back and forth to Richard is so iconic with such meaning. "It points North John"
Sawyer's custom glasses with his collection of books!
My choice of tshirt would be the Darhmaville 1977 design.
Thanks! :)
I'm going with the flag from the golf course. Two of the most funny/uplifting scenes for me were when Hurley and Charlie hosted the golf tourney and later started up the Dharma van. I'd proudly wave shorts on a bamboo stick.
Oh Awesome contest!! I would looooove to have a bottle of MacCutcheon scotch whiskey! My fav t-shirt design is We Have To Go Back!!! ( That is my all-time favorite quote from Lost!
Hello E!
I would want Sun's wedding ring that she lost and then found. I love the way that her marriage has grown with Jin and the way that their love defies time and space!
The shirt I love is the "I'm so LOST" design:
Thanks so much for running these contests. They are too fun!
Hi e :)
I would also go with Roger Workman's van, stock full of dharma beer. That other Matt can keep Roger
That Dallas Matt sure has some good taste
I'd pick Richard's compass. It's a paradox in your hand!
My favorite design is the "I'd tap that...every 108 minutes" shirt.
Thanks for another fun contest!
I believe the prop I would want the most would be the rock Juliet used to bash the crap out of Jughead.
JoshRGordon from Orlando.
The copy of AWrinkle in Time that Sawyer was reading :) Love the book, loved the foreshadowing and love Sawyer.
The shirt I love:
Thanks Erica
I would have to pick Mikhail's eyepatch. One, because I've always wanted an eyepatch and two, Mikhail was badass.
Jorge Garcia was just talking about what he'd like to keep on his podcast this week! That's a really tough one. I think I'd like Hurley's lottery ticket with the numbers on it!
My favorite shirt is the Geronimo Jackson one.
I would most definitely choose Daniels skinny tie. God I love that amazing tie. No man will ever pull off a tie as well as my Daniel. On and off the island, that tie is a object of true beauty.
The shirt i would honerably accept would be Geronimo Jackson! I've always wanted to dress like Eddie.
Come chat on Twitter!
If I could own one prop from the show, it would have to be The Black Rock! (I am just glad one of the requirements for this contest isn't that we have to say where we would actually store the prop or I for sure wouldn't win!)
My pick for a t-shirt is the "I'm So Lost" t-shirt:
It would have to be Randzinsky's model of the swan station.
I think I would like to have the photo of Jack, Kate & Hurley when they joined the Dharma group, the one that Christian showed to Sun & Frank when they went over to the main island looking for Jin.
The shirt I would like to have is hte Island poker tournament shirt
Thanks alot, Tammy
There's no doubt about it, I would love to have Charlie's Drive Shaft ring.
My Lost t-shirt pick is:
Wow...for me this has got to be, without question, any of the acoustic guitars Charlie has played throughout the show. I recall that the guitar that Locke returned to him was an Ovation, which is a different guitar from the one he played "Wonderwall" on in Flashes Before Your Eyes. Either guitar would be an amazing piece of Lost to own and being a guitar player myself, it is certainly THE practical choice. :)
My pick for a shirt is "I'd Hit That" .
Thanks for the sweet contests!
Tough one, but i'm gonna go with Hurleys T-Shirts... (:
Faraday's Journal, that would be awesome!
My shirt choice:
I would go with the two little black/white stones from Adam & Eve in the caves...!
To me those stones represent everyting about Lost which I love.
The Netherlands
I'd like Eko's Jesus stick, he was my favorite and loved it when he gave the smoke monster the old staredown!
Mike from Ohio
The Frozen donkey wheel would look great hanging on my wall....
So many, but I have to choose the skinny black tie that Faraday never took off.
I'm probably gonna have to go with the Swan station emergency failsafe key. That would awesome to have.
I would choose the 108 minutes clock.
I would love the have Faraday's journal, it would be so fun to read through his notes and look at all the little sketches in there... even though I probably wouldn't understand them xD
And the fish biscuits t-shirt is awesome:
I want Ben's piano...the shotgun in the bench is optional.
I want the the phone that Sayid rigged up for Desmond to use during the Constant.
I think I would go with the Quarantine door.
Hello e,
awesome contest once again!
It's hard to choose just ONE prop, but for me it would have to be Juliet's Dharma jumpsuit. I really like season 5's return to Dharma days in the 70's!!!
It's fitting that I would choose that T-Shirt :
colour Kelly Green and size large.
Thank you so much for posting these contests!!
I'd go with Jacob's tapestry from inside the foot statue.
And inspired by this week's upcoming episode, I like the Black Rock t-shirt.,431134205
The prop I would like the most would have to be Locke's wheelchair.
My pick for the shirt design would be Oceanic 6.
A jar of Dharma peanut butter ... I too couldn't survive long without peanut butter (my favourite brand being Skippy which is very difficult to get hold of in the UK!)
Also because that jar takes us ALL the way back to nearly the beginning of the incredible Lost journey which has enthralled me for so long now.
I'll go for the Desmond t-shirt please!
The pc that was used for entering the numbers, if it can keyboard included :D
I'd love the Backgammon set that Locke and Walt played - I haven't played Backgammon in forever and clearly need to get back in the game.
Annnnd I'm thinking the "We have to go back" shirt is the best - it's exactly how I'll feel once season 6 is over :(
Keep rockin' it, e!
I think the scale with the black and white rocks would be pretty cool to have. I hope the scales tip in my favor win this contest...
This is my favorite contest so far
1. My prop:The Dharma Van, without the corpse...
2. My shirt:
Thanks Erika! I'm in Spain.
I would like the Frozen Donkey Wheel so I could make a FDW coffee table a la Bruno Kirby in When Harry Met Sally. (
So many choices. I'll have to go old school with Charlie's DS ring. 2nd choice is Jack's beard from S3 finale. 3rd place is Squirrel Baby a.k.a Skelletubby.
My fav T is:
I'd want to have Hurley's Dharma school composition book complete with his rewrite of 'Empire Strikes Back' inside...
As for a shirt. Well, I was born in 1977 so the Dharmaville '77 shirt would be sweet. XL and in military green.
The first thing that popped into my head was Aaron's stuffed orca whale. Maybe because I have a little girl and know how special all of her loved items are to me.
That was mighty sentimental, I know. Ah, well.
I love this shirt:
I'd like to have Sawyer's original letter that Evangeline stole and it got burnt
in her house fire :( , so instead I want Kate's Plane
as for the shirt, my pick in the I'm Lost T-Shirt
I would chose the Swan Countdown Clock.
Fav tee:
The "quarantine" hatch cover. That would be a great piece to own.
I'd like to have 'The Hatch', in it's entirety (buried for me, in my backyard).
Shirt I like most: Geronimo Jackson.
I would love to have Charlie's Driveshaft ring! I would wear it proudly (even as a necklace if it was too big). Plus, I already have a Driveshaft shirt...I could be the ultimate groupie! Of a fictional band... :)
As for the t-shirt, love this one:
Thanks Erica!
The prop I would choose is the framed Dharma photo from 1977 that Christian took off the wall to show to Sun and Lapidus, that would be so cool!
My favourite T is
The O6 one :)
Keep up the good work e, hope everything is going well for you ;) xx
I think it would be cool to have the giant wooden Ankh that Dogen broke open. I could put a chain on it and wear it like Flava-Flav!
i would have to say locke's compass. it sums up every thing that happened the last 6 years for me, every season, the destiny idea, richard visiting locke when he was a kid, the time skipping, the hatch, where john and jack clash in their beliefs,...
that is the prop i would want.
and i would love the dharmaville 1977 tshirt.
all the way from istanbul:)
The hatch door - unless I could have the whole swan station :)
The prop i would like to own is definitely the "Dear. Mr.Sawyer" letter.
Btw Erika,its an awesome contest and going through the previous comments made me remember the number of awesome props ad objects this show has produced.
Anyways my Choice is a "I Am So Lost" Tank top:
Hope I win!
I'd love love to have Sawyers Dharma Uniform. So much awesomeness he is.
My face shirt:
Locke's Orange Slice
Hello Erica!
I would choose the Drive Shaft ring, for a multitude of reasons.
Thank you for giving the opporunity to people outside the US.
I would like Sawyer's glasses (the "looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter" ones).
Stela from Greece.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Really tough choice...
Eko's stick, Rodgers arm, Faraday's journal, Despenny photo, Charlie's guitar, the fail safe key... SOOOO many things i want!!
My choice though? Mikhail's jumpsuit, blood and all! I met Andrew Divoff last year, and he's an amzing guy. Pictures here -¤t=andrew.jpg
I also went dressed as a polar bear for some of the weekend :D¤t=group1-1.jpg
T-shirt I want? Geronimo Jackson :D
Thanks :D
Charlie's guitar from season 1.
Thanks again. e.
I think I would go with Ben's messenger bag.
I'd go with the Frozen Donkey Wheel.
My pick (my husband helped me) is MIB/Fake Locke's backpack.
My pick for a lost t-shirt is this:
Richards blue coffee mug for sure! in charcoal
I would like the stuff animal Kate purchased for Aaron. The whale.
I'd like the wrapper from the Apollo bar that Hurley and Ben shared outside Jacob's cabin. One of my favorite LOST moments!
My favorite prop is the ship-in-a-bottle that Richard is building in the episode "Follow The Leader".
My choice of T-shirt:
My choice for the props would be the "light part" of the lighthouse that turned and showed all of the locations where the people came from, e.g., Jack's childhood home, and presumably could summon them.
My choice on the shirts is the sonic wave fence company:
Timmy D.
mmm... I'd love to have one of the Dharma Iniatiative orientation films. To be more precise the one of the Swan station.
For the t-shirt, I'll pick the "I'd hit that" one.
Hugs from Spain.
I want the Swan computer, I can chat with Walt ánd save the world every 108 minutes, woah.
I want this one:
A piece of Arzt would be a bit gross.... so I would pick either Faraday's journal - I think my husband would really dig all the formulae! - or Charlie's "peanut butter jar" Large, Kellygreen - I want to be one of the Oceanic Six!
I didn't want to "claim" a prop that someone else mentioned, so I'm going to go with Hurley's re-write of "The Empire Strikes Back" - because he's one of my favorite characters and because it's written in one of those DHARMA notebooks - so it's like getting two props in one! :)
I'll pick the Lostaholics t-shirt:,122958423
Ah, the dream of owning a piece of lost, and since there is no chance that I will ever get to marry Josh Holloway since he doesn't know me and I'm already married (he he) I guess Id have to settle for having the original "Sawyer" letter. Its a classic with raw emotion and a bit of Princess Bride mixed in. *Sigh* My fave Detour shirt would have to be Geronimo Jackson, as I can now say that I really am a fan of their one song, Dharma Lady, if you haven't heard the whole thing look it up, it's on iTunes.
It's even cooler in the baseball jersey style, 2XL of course.
Thanks for the opportunity to win cool stuff again.
Great contest once again! I would have to go with the computer from the "hatch", just b/c it reminds me of our first home computer with the green curser/screen.
My pick is the I'm So Lost t-shirt:
Thanks e!!
I have always wanted Hurley's winning lottery ticket. It's all about the numbers....
Although all the shirts are nifty. I love this I'm so lost shirt.
I would like a copy of the album Magna Carta by Geronimo Jackson. It would serve double duty as an awesome Lost prop and a (probably) sweet album to enjoy.
I would want the Fish Biscuit shirt:
Such a hard question to answer! Outta everything I would want one of the books Sawyer was seen reading through the series. Love to read and love Sawyer.
My favorite design was "I'd Hit That." Hilarious.
I don't know if this contest expired yet, I'm in Argentina and I really don't know the time difference...
Anyway, I've been following your recaps since the blog started... Thanks for great insight and cool contests!!!
I'd choose Faraday's tie!
Give me a case of that Dharma Beer.
Hi e it's a tough choice between a Dhama van, Eko's stick and Charlie's Drive Shaft ring
Think i'd have to go with Eko's stick!
the tshirt is
Thanks! Alison xx UK
That is a very hard choice but I think what I would want is Henry Gale's wallet. Those episodes with Ben claiming to be Henry was probably my favorite time in the show.
I would love to have the Dharma bear collar that Charlotte pulled out of the ground somewhere in north Africa...
I'd want the Jughead prop.
I also choose the "T'd hit that" shirt.
Great contest Erika - I'd like Sawyer's dorky glasses that Jack put together for him.
And the shirt design is:
Ruth - Virginia Beach
I would have to say Jack's physician's jacket (white coat) or Kate's handcuffs. Those are my two favorite characters and I want them to be together so much!
My pick for a shirt would be:
great website and great contest - I just was introduced about 2 weeks ago! You are a great writer and your website helps me remember and understand the show better.
So many props, only one contest! I want Hurley's Camaro!
Eko's stick is the ultimate prop, but that has been done...
Sayid really only has the picture of Nadia...
Juliet's purple peasant shirt would be kind of creepy to ask for...
So I say...
Vincent's Collar.
And I love me sone Geronimo Jackson
Sorry if this duplicates--I got an error message and I don't know if the 1st one went through :-)
Wow...there are so many things to covet from this show but I would have to say the one thing I'd want from the show is Desmond's 'Our Mutual Friend' Book.
The T-shirt design I love the most is I'm so LOST Organic Women's Fitted T-Shirt
I want to pick Faraday's journal, because it would be so much fun to read. But I can't, because of sentimentality, so I choose Charlie's DriveShaft ring. To me it represents a respect for the past, a love & hope for the future, and the selflessness that Charlie embodied when he swam down to the Looking Glass, knowing he'd never be able to give it to Aaron personally.
My shirt pick? The new Dharmaville '77. I love the artwork.
Hard to decide but I would go with Rousseaus Maps of the Island - classic, reminds of the Island and I could hang it on my walls or Locke's knife, can be handy :)
My t-shirt pick is "We have to go back" design:
I would want the apollo bar that Hurley offered Ben. It a memorbale LOST moment:),430915013
I agree that Eko´s stick is awesome, but as for something more original... Richard's eye liner!
or, rather, Faraday's book... the stuff in there must be mighty interesting...
As for the t-shirt: (We have to go back, military green, L)
Cheers from Sweden,
1. I’d love to have one of Locke’s knives.
2. - XL Black/White
I think I'd have to go with Eko's stick. Small enough to show off and also easily recognizable.
1) I'd LOVE to have the black and white stones that Jack took off of Adam & Eve. Either that or Naomi/Sayid's ultrahip freighter/sattelite-phone.
2) My pick is
3) Will do! :D
There are so many things to want to have! I would love to have all of the books that were in the entire series, that would fill an entire bookcase!
My pick for a T-shirt would be "Desmond is my Constant"
Thanks Erica, great blog, and good luck with the book!
When I lived in Hawaii i would frequently visit the beach set as I am sure most of you know is always up. One day i was talking to one of the guards and he said he would let us take a picture in front of one of the tents. I asked him if I could sit in Sawyers chair in front of his tent. If i could have any prop from the show it would be that Sawyers airplane seat.
As for the shirt I'd pick Because I was part of a small group of people who pressed the button every 108 minutes for over 8 months. At the core there was only 5 of us. The Site was if anyone wants to look around the site. Awesome contest by the way!
Its hard to say, especially since a lot of people have some GREAT ideas already.
I would have to say the 'test kit' that richard used on the young john locke.
the whole deal. the blanket w/ the jar of sand, the knife, the compass etc.
AWESOME contest idea.
also, you guys should do a chicago finally watch! id be in!
(XL - Military Green)
Oh man... so hard to chose. Locke's compass would be symbolic and practical. I'd have to go with Jacob's woven hanging, though. I'm a spinner, too, and it would be amazing in my art room. :)
Fave t-shirt: Fish biscuits!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I'd love to have Sawyer's copy of "Watership Down."
Here's my t-shirt pick:
my email is:
Thanks, Erika!
I want the Hot Pocket Hurley threw at Ben!
My t-shirt pick:
(in black)
the roger workman jumpsuit fo sho!
I LOVE Eko's stick too, but I think I'm going to make my offical answer: the buried diamonds! :)
And my shirt of choice would be:
Thank you!
i think that i would take one of the tapestries from jacobs statue as they were pretty fricking sweet
sweet shirt
many thanks for all your contests Erika <3
With Des being a favourite character and fellow Scot, my prop choice would be the Swan station computer, which makes my choice of T shirt easy...
I'd Hit That Dark T-Shirt
Thanks for the chance once again :)
I would love to have Keamy's heart monitor.
I certainly would like the original copy of Penny's letter to Desmond in the binding of Our Mutual Friend.
I'd really like to get Locke's chest of knives... I'm sure they'd be helpfull anytime ;)
As for the T-shirt, what about this one?
I would love to have the original letter from Penny to Desmond found in the book Our Mutual Friend! I guess that makes me sappy?
Thanks for the contest, e!
This is tough but...
I would have to say that I would want some of that Dharma Beer and some Dharma canned Beans PLUS I would invite everyone over to share it with during the season finale cook-out in Miami.
- Large
lol The Hatch Quarantine Door would be amazing :D
as for the shirt, Desmond ftw!
Love this contest!
I would definitely pick a bottle of MacCutcheon whisky. I know it doesn't really exist, but whiskey is my favorite liquor, and I'd love to know that I'm "worthy" enough to drink this delicious drink. =)
My shirt pick:
It's the I'm So Lost one.
Hey Erika!!
This is a really cool competition.
I would want Locke's briefcase of hunting knives.
Walkabout was such a pivotal episode that I just NEED a reminder of how awesome it was (and I'm sure you personally would already have gotten away with the wheelchair!!)
They have so many non-Lost related AWESOME designs btw :) my pick is:
( PS I'm using your competition to help promote Jay And Jack's awesome work towards Autism Speaks - hope you don't mind :) )
i would love to have the Geronimo Jackson Magna Carta LP...even if there wasn't an actual record with songs on it.
And the greatest shirt ever...
This is tough - SO many things to choose from.
I think what I would like most is the picture of Benjamin Linus that Miles had when he said they were there for him. - because face it, most of us would hit that!
There’s no doubt in my mind. I would love to have the cradle that Locke built for Claire in Season One. Complete with the bedding/blanket usually seen when occupied by Turnip Head.
And my choice of T-shirt is the Fish Biscuit design.
Thanks, Erika! Your contests are always so fun! many to choose from!
But also being a MOPAR fan, my top choice would have to be a Dharma Jeep... XL
My first thought was a piece of Arzt or the Apple computer in the hatch, but I would have to pick the hatch itself. It represented SO much on the show and really captured my imagination.
As for the shirt, give me Geronimo Jackson in Royal Blue - 2XL
I would definitely like to have Jacob's fishing-and-cooking kit from season5 finale.. simply my favourite scene from the show (so far!).
Everything that happened before that..was just progress!
Oh, hard one. Eko's stick, Faraday's journal or Desmond and Penny photo... I would have to go with Eko's stick.
The t-shirt I like is:
Such a tough question, but I would have to say Henry Gale's license would be an awesome piece of LOST memorabilia.
I was going to say the Black Rock, but it would be too big for my living room...,431134205
What I would love the most is the Orientation films.
Though I would also be happy simply with one of the torches the Losties always carry around.
"I'm So Lost"
So many to choose from ... Because I'm sure he would have some interesting revisions and additions, I'd like to have Hurley's revised Empire Strike Back script so see all of his improvements.
Adam in Chicago
Go Cubs, Go Bulls, Go Peppers
My first few choices have been mentioned over and over, so I'll have to come up with something else. Either the raft, or the silver Haliburton briefcase (autographed by the entire cast, of course)!! So if I have to choose one, I'll go with the briefcase!
Shirt design?
Love the blog, E!!!!
Carol, in Alabama
No doubt about it it would have to be Charlie's Drive Shaft Ring
Mr Eko's Jesus stick, hands down. Coolest prop ever, you could actually use it, it would store nicely in the house, and it's very unique.
This narrowly beat out a bottle of MacCutcheon, and a gigantic bottle of Dharma Ranch dressing.
"Dude, you've got some Arzt on you." Classic.,428209419
I would love a Dharma jumpsuit.
We have to go back shirt
The dog painting in Jacob's cabin because, let's face it, that painting is awesome.
Aaack...too hard to digest six delicious years of props with a deadline looming, but I'll go with Charlie's guitar!
Fave t-shirt: Dharmaville
Thanks, E!
Cab in FL
I pick Kate's miniature airplane from the buried box she planted w/ her childhood friend.
shirt pick:
i just love tom aka mr friendly... i keep repeating his lines over and over again, i just cant forget "give us the boy" and "you cross that line, we go from misunderstanding to something else". so my pick would be his fake beard and theatrical glue found at the medical station by kate
youre great as always e.
tks for not letting longlivelocke die
Vinicius - Brazil
The Dharma van would be great! But, my first instinctive choice would be the Black Rock.
My pick for shirt is:,433063236
I don't know the name of the shirt.
Ben's satchel, including whatever is inside!
the swing set from Dharmaville... all the memories... ahhhh
I was tempted to say Nikki and Paulo's diamonds, now that Miles seems to have retrieved them from their grave, and there are so many sentimental favorites that people have already mentioned. But I'd love to have the tape that was playing in the Dharma van when Hurley finally got it to start while Charlie was riding shotgun. Just loved that soon.
And I'd choose a "We Have to Go Back to the Island" baseball jersey:
Thanks for a great contest--I've enjoyed reading the entries!
This was a hard one but after some thought what I would want from Lost would be the painting of the Black Rock from the auction with Charles Widmore. I think the Black Rock is so beautiful and I love anything from that time period so that would be the one. And here is the link to the shirt I would like :-)
Thanks for the great blog!
I would want a Dharma van. I used to live in one of those and I would like to relive the memory.
I would want a Geronimo Jackson Baseball jersey because it would be cool cruising in my van.
I would have to say the original plane - but if that's not allowed, then the backgammon game. Mr. Eko's Jesus stick is a very close next...
I would keep the empty jar of peanut butter that charilie gave to claire in seson 1. So sweet.
And I like the shirt "Claire is the new Rousseau"
I need the computer from the Swan station. It's not even a tough decision. I love everything about LOST but the chance to have that computer would be incredible. Hopefully I wouldn't start getting weird messages from Walt though...
As for design...I'd have to go with the "Desmond Is My Constant" ( As you can tell from both of my picks, Desmond is my favorite character from the show and easily one of the best characters ever on a TV show.
1) Hurley's winning lottery ticket!
2) (VERY cool site, by the way!)
Mike & Kris in Ohio
p.s. Erika, this is the first time we've commented, but we enjoy your blog tremendously. Best of luck with your book!
The nerdy science person in me would LOVE to have Faraday's Journal.
My favorite t-shirt is this Dharmavile t-shirt in Green.
It would definitely be Charlie's "Top Ten List" - I loved the episode where he wrote his top ten moments
Shirt : Dharmaville 1977
The prop would have to be Faraday's journal--how I miss "he of the skinny black tie".
Shirt-We Have to go Back!
I would have to pick the Swan Failsafe Key.
I like the Geronimo Jackson shirt -
It would absolutely have to be Locke's Backgammon set.. such a beautiful metaphor for both the show and the island.
And as far as a t-shirt?
Kelly Green please!
Sweet contest! I think the prop that would mean the most to me would be an authentic shirt that Matthew Fox wore on-set as Jack, in an episode (or more than one episode). In fact, the suit he wore in the pilot would be the shizzy (authentic, of course, and autographed!!)!!!
My favorite cafe press shirt design is this:
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I'm gonna have to go with the Swan Station Countdown timer.
Who wouldn't want to turn /that/ into their alarm clock? Sure you'd only be able to sleep in 108 minute intervals but they're be 108 awesome minutes everytime!
My pick for the shirt design would be Desmond is my Constant.
=( I've tried posting this twice so far and it's failed both times. Third time's a charm?
The blast door map! I loved that.
Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry... the winner will be announced at some point tomorrow!
- Erika
e, I have posted for both contests now, and neither of my posts have shown up in the public posts. What's up with that? ( I chose a Name/URL option - FaradayRocks for the last one)
FaradayRocks -
Hmm, I have no idea. I get emails for every single comment submitted and none came through from you. Did you perhaps not see the new Word Verification step that I had to add because of spammers?
Perhaps just try straight-up Anonymous from now on since that seems to get through...
Sorry about that!
- e
It's way too late, on more than one level, to ask for Isabella's necklace. :-)
I like these...
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