The Future of Long Live Locke
Hello my dear friends -
Yesterday I kicked off my first recap of the season with a short note indicating that I was going to have to streamline my Lost posts going forward. Here's why: I got a book deal!
As some of you might remember, when I bid adieu to workin' for The Man in mid-2007, my goal was to start a writing career. Because of Long Live Locke, the most awesome gig ever -- covering movie news for redbox, which includes attending film screenings with the likes of Roger Ebert, Michael Phillips and the team from the Onion AV Club (aka: my heroes) -- fell into my lap in the spring of 2008. During that same time, I was also working on a book proposal and searching for a literary agent to represent me. Finally, just a few months ago, those two and a half years of effort paid off: my agent called and told me that he'd sold my book. You could've knocked me over with a feather.
My book has nothing to do with Lost, but rather a very historic business situation that I had a front-row seat for a few years ago. I'll definitely spill more details as its publication date draws near, but right now I am on the hook to finish my manuscript by June 1. And let's just say that doing so is going to be quite challenging, even if Lost wasn't on the air.
I seriously considered closing the curtain on this site because I am so overwhelmed by everything I have to get done over the next four months. However, I know in my heart that I simply can't stop myself from writing about this show. Especially since the encouragement I've gotten from all of you who've been following LLL over the years is the reason why I had the confidence to strike out on my own in the first place.
But there's no way around making some compromises. Uploading pictures, thinking up clever captions and trying to find lyrics that fit the various post sections are some of the most time-consuming aspects of pulling together any given recap. The "best lines" section is getting the boot because that required me to skim through the episode transcripts. And while you can rest assured that I do catch all of the neat nods to certain books and instances of the numbers and whatnot, I'm not going to cover that stuff anymore because while it's cool, I don't think it's critical to the big picture at this point. Plus, there are other great sites that do an incredible job investigating those "easter eggs" and links -- I've listed many of them in the right-hand column.
I used to spend more than 14 hours each week -- usually on Saturday and Sunday -- finishing one post. That's not even counting responding to messages and comments and whatnot. Now I'm going to have to limit myself to about two hours per episode. I figured that time would best be spent writing.
So, please bear with me as I try to find a way to make this work. LA X Part 1 was the exception to this new situation since I had a nine-hour flight from Oahu during which I could mull over the episode and get my thoughts down. That's not going to be the case with the remaining 17 hours.
I hope you are happy for me -- I certainly feel as lucky as AlternaHurley (minus the, you know, "being rich" part). I would not be in this wonderful situation if it hadn't been for your support over the past five and a half years.
So stay tuned for LA X Part 2 -- it'll be up at some point before Tuesday afternoon. Who knows, maybe my posts will actually be more fun to read when I'm completely off-the-cuff and unedited. You'll be getting "pure, unadulterated e." Do you think you can even handle it???
- e
Congrats, e. What great news. I'm looking forward to your undistilled thoughts on Lost and your book!
Congrats! You deserve it!
And I think the timing is actually pretty good here - The discussion of theories, uncovering the mysteries, etc. is (unfortunately) coming to an end. The need for super-intense posts about what Egyptian figure the statue represents, for example, is slowly but surely coming to an end.
Let's watch the characters play out the final chapter of the story... But I'll still look forward to your insights.
Way to go, e!
That's awesome congrats!! You definitely deserve it! :)
Congrats! You truely deserve it. Couldn't have happened to a better person. I look forward to buying your book!
NOOOOOOOO We need you Erika!!
But congrats on the book deal, you deserve it!!
Congrats on the book deal, e. that's great news. :)
Congrats, e!! Getting paid for work is great. :)
Fantastic, Erika! I personally know an author now! :)
I will still look forward to whatever you can post about Lost, but, like Nick, I'm almost speculated out and I trust Darlton enough to let me enjoy this final season without intense scrutiny.
Congrats! - and thanks for continuing with LLL!!! I don't know what I would do without your reviews. You totally deserve all the cool things that are coming your way!!
We are such big fans we are AIR CONDITIONERS! Seriously tho' cheers to you Erika! You deserve it!!!
Congrats! What an accomplishment.
Congrats! We'll miss your wonderful in-depth analysis' though. I'll look forward to your insights and your book as well!
Congratulations! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.
I'm also with Maven, and this season, I'm trying to just enjoy the ride.
Excellent news Erika. It makes me realise how much I have taken your updates for granted - I never appreciated how much hard work you put into them. I wish you all the very best
Lorain (no 1 UK LOST fan!)
Congratulations e!!! This news just made my day. You are such a wonderful writer and I'm sure your book will be a huge success. I can't wait to read it! Long Live Locke will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first blogger site that I read way back when I first started watching LOST. I think it's great you are going to continue it, even without all those frills, because it always makes my week. Best of luck to you in this new endeavor, and be sure to keep us all posted on the progress!!
Lisa D.
OMG...that is so awesome, e! You are an amazing writing and I'm absolutely thrilled for you. Don't worry about LLL...
Please keep us informed about your book - can't wait to hear more about it.
Oh my god, congratulations! That is absolutely fantastic to hear, and you really deserve it as well! You can't imagine how happy it made me (and many other LLL readers, I'm sure) to read that just now. If there's a blogger, any blogger, who deserves this, it's you. I can't wait for more updates on your new adventure and I'll make sure to order the book, whenever it's released.
Once again, congrats! :D
Yeah!!! Just think of the vacations you'll be able to afford to escape our winters once you're published. Congrats and thanks for all of your work on LLL.
That is awesome E!!! Way to make your dreams come true. I look forward to hearing more about your book and future success :)
Erika that's wonderful news!! Congratulations! I can't wait to buy your book and get it signed by you personally some day...
No worries about the blog, ditto what others like Nick and Maven,etc. have said. We will enjoy whatever recap you can put together, we can all just sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride to the end! Hopefully that will include the real Locke coming back to life and fulfilling some awesome destiny!
woohoo. i feel lucky just getting to read your blog and redbox reviews. now a book! excellent.
Very exciting news, go for it girl! Looking forward to reading your insights, and now your book too. x
Congratulations Erika! I will miss the lyrics and captions, but look forward to reading your posts in whatever form they take. I also look forward to the book!
Congratulations e. Glad you could finally go public.
I'm still looking forward to your recaps, despite not having the clever heading. Most were too smart for me catch anyway.
Good luck with the book and cant wait to hear more about it.
This is wonderful, you certainly deserve it!
And to think, we all knew you when.
Hooray! That is wonderful news!!!
And to think I thought you were perhaps pregnant! Glad you have a book deal-much shorter time committment than a child! You deserve all the best and I am thrilled for you. Selfishly, I will miss your wonderful
Congretulations e!!! U're totally right!! Move on with your life, do what's best for u. We can't think about everyone all the time, we must be happy with ourselfs first. About LOST u don't need to worry, we'll find another curious affictioned.
Success on your carrier!!
That's awesome, Erika! I'll still look forward to your posts, no matter what format they take. We're all on this journey together!
Congrats! And phew! So glad we will still have your insight to look forward to for the rest of the season!! (Your Facebook update scared me for a second there!)
Congratulations; this is a wonderful opportunity for you! Even the "skimmed" down versions on LLL will be amazing... I am sure of that!
It's too bad the book won't be done in time for a Lost tie-in. Like, Ben is reading your book in the temple right before Smokey eats him.
Oh my gosh, Brian, that vision of Ben reading my book before his final deminse just made me laugh out loud. Thanks, I needed it! (Though I hope Ben doesn't actually end up kicking the bucket!)
And to everyone else -- you all rock the hiz-ouse for your kind words. They mean more to me than you could ever realize.
- e
Congrats. I have been following you since season 2 and so glad you will continue LLL. Keep us posted on the book and where to buy it.
Great news about your book, e! It's really inspiring to see that you are following your dream!
But I still (selfishly) hope that you will occasionally have a chance to put up some photos with the funny captions. No one does that as well as you do :-)
And here's to hoping that the real Locke will soon be conquering Unlocke and maybe redeeming Ben in the bargain!
That is fantastic news! Congratulations! You are such a talented writed. I love reading anything you write, but especially about Lost. Don't worry about this column. We are all behind you 100%. Congratulations again. Very proud of you!
Wow, congratulations Erika! I'm very happy for you, and I look forward to reading your book!!
We live in a world where people with a computer and an opinion can blog, tweet, and think they're an awesome writer, because everyone thinks writing is easy.
But writers know that stringing together words is a craft, and the magic that can be created when it all comes together it looks effortless (but writers know the blood, sweat, and caffeine that goes into making it look that way).
You are a superlative writer and demonstrate some of the best that there is out there. As a fellow writer (and blogger), I am constantly astounded at what you come up with.
I can't think of someone more deserving of a book deal, and I look forward to cracking open the cover. In the meantime, I'll continue to enjoy your posts--in whatever time you can spare for them.
Congrats again! Julie
Congrats E!
I've been reading your writing since they were an email forward during Season 1 - can't wait to find out more details about the book & pick it up when it comes out. Good luck!! I will still read every post even if it's an abbreviated version of what we are used to :)
Very cool e!! You are such a talented writer that it's no surprise that this is happening to you. Your recaps are one of my favorites to read because of your insight, humor, and chutzpa. Thank you for keeping LLL going.
Well, I guess I'll have a book to look forward to reviewing then. Keep us posted on it and feel free to spend as much or as little time here. We'll understand.
Awesome news, E! So glad to hear it :)
Good for you. You deserve every measure of success. Best wishes to you and look forward to keeping up with your endeavours.
Excellent news! I'm very happy for you and will look forward to anything you write.
That's just awesome, Erika. I'm very happy for you and will enjoy anything you write about Lost, even if it's short. No problem.
Congrats e! Well deserved. Look forward to your book, too.
I have always enjoyed your blogs, but have never commented so I just had to say, Congratulations!
Congratulations, e! I really wanna read your book!
Congrats! That's awesome to hear. I look forward to reading your book now too :) Thank you so much for this amazing site and all the work ove the years, you are a fantastic very entertaining writer. I'm a huge fan and I'm so glad to hear your great news.
Exciting news for you and us! You get a book deal and still will write for us on LLL.
... Bonnie
Congratulations that is great!
I just found your site via Annie Logue. But, I wanted to say ... congrats on your book deal.
Congrats!! I know the book is going to be awesome, and it will be really interesting for all us Lost fans to learn your perspectives on a new topic. And reading your book will help me fill up all the free time I'll have once I no longer need to spend hours agonizing over screen caps and time travel theories!
We are happy for you! And for us when we get to buy your book!
E you have brought so much joy and laughter to my world with your incredible writing and your take on the greatest show in the history of television. So happy for you. Each life touches another and you have certainly touched mine and so many others. Life's about changing nothing ever stays the same. As it should be.Your like family to me but without all the crazy. I know you will have great success. You already there.
Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!
That's awesome, e! You are a great writer and I'll be looking forward to your book. I always look forward to you LLL posts.
I am a LONG time lurker and have never commented - but now I have to...congratulations!!! I love your recaps,,,and I am sure I will still enjoy the shortened versions. Good luck!!
Congratulations E - that's awesome! I've enjoyed reading your blog from almost the beginning. Your writing style, sense of humor, and ability to organize information to create order, structure and flow are impeccable. I will miss your full write ups, but am glad that you will at least maintain some bare minimum. I hope that you have enough time to still enjoy the final season. I am eagerly awaiting to see what your book is about. Good luck!
Very very happy for you E. Congratulations. Thanks for everything :)
Congrats. I only started reading your blog last season and wished I had known from episode #1. Cheers.
Congratulations, e! This is FANTASTIC news for you, a little bit sad for us, but all said done, just plain terrific.
As for this book topic... did I perhaps als witness some of these events?
Congrats E!!! streamline Erika - I can't wait :)
Congrats! You definitely deserve this! I wish you that this book becomes the first of many! And let's hope that it gets translated in greek, so that my mum can read it as well. You see, she doesn't read or speak english but I've made her love your recaps so I have to translate them for her. I don't see me translating a whole book, though! LOL
Congrats E! A well-deserved achievement for all your hard work. You're a great example of the good things that can happen if you do what your love and follow it whole-heartedly.
i enjoy reading your blog alot. congratulations on your success!
Congrats e!
I'm in the process of writing a grad school thesis so I definitely understand.
I have waited such a long time for that news. I always thought that sooner or later you'll get a great contract, so: Congrats, e!
Back to Lost: I just finished watching Fringe S02E15. I think it's incredible how perfect J.J. timed the airing of that episode (just two days after Lost S6 premiere). I covers the issue of two alternate universes colliding and the side effects resulting from that.
One of the rules (in the Fringe reality) is: Whatever mass is taken out of one universe will have to be returned (i.e. the same mass - not necessarily the same thing).
I am really excited if and how they will work this into Lost. Maybe at the end we will not only see a reunion of two alternate realities, but also the reunion of two Series and their story lines.
It's a sad day at Black Rock. I don't know if I will survive losing you and LOST at the same time. I'm shipwrecked.
Congratulations Erika!
I'm so glad you will still be able to give us your thoughts week to week even though you are going to be so busy. It wouldn't be the final season without Long Live Locke!
I love your blog, always have. As a huge fan of the show I think your recaps are the best on the web. From a writer with aspirations of his own book deal someday, congratulations!!!
Congratulations, E!
Hey E,
While I mourn the loss of your incredible posts, I am glad we have already got to experience such a plethora of work from you over the years. If season 6 postings are shorter, more streamlined, then like you say, hopefully it works better.
But even if it doesn't, I for one am so thankful for all your work and opinions over the years. Your blog still remains one of my favourite WEBSITES of all time, and that's including EVERYTHING out there - that's right, I rate you higher than YouTube :P
Anyway, best of luck with the book. As always, I am extremely jealous :) wish I could pack in my job with "the man" and write for a living... oh well, maybe some day.
For now - you do what you gotta do and, whatever the subject matter, be sure to know that I will be buying a copy of your book when the time comes!!
Great news e.
- Chris
While I will certainly miss the in depth analysis you give to each week's episode, this is outstanding news for you. You are an excellent writer, and you deserve to be richly compensated for your efforts. See, you WILL be like Hurley. :)
Good going and thanks for being loyal to us!
Congrats E!!! Like everyone else has already said, you've worked hard for this and you deserve it.
"I seriously considered closing the curtain on this site because I am so overwhelmed by everything I have to get done over the next four months. However, I know in my heart that I simply can't stop myself from writing about this show."
No, you're also going to need this site. Writing your new book will be fun and exciting, but you'll need a break from it from time to time. Getting away and writing about LOST, even if your posts don't have all the same bells and whistles, will help break things up and keep everything from getting monotonous.
It's good that you'll still be recapping - both for us as well as for you.
AWESOME E! I think this is the best of all possiblities. A lot of LOST bloggers I read are sort of skimming back in Season 6 because they want to enjoy it and we are getting so many more answers and fewer mysteries. The heart and core of your stuff is the analysis part (though I will miss the pics!), so that makes sense. AND I can't wait to hear about the book.
Hey, congratulations on the book deal!!! I am so happy for you. Make sure you let your fans know when the book is coming out so we can grab it and make it bestselling. :)
God bless, e!
Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!! I support you 100%. That is so wonderful!
e - this is a dream come true, and I'm so excited for you! I never had any doubts; it is well-earned and well-deserved! Many, many hugs!
That's great news! ^_^
Don't even think about the length and embellishment of your recaps, just do what you want as long as you want it.
Oh and make sure you give us a notice when the book is out! Good luck! ^__^
Congratulations e I knew all along this would happen, seems like only yesterday I would email the little mistakes on this blog (before you became famous!)
I'm so happy for you and no-one deserves it more! So who will be playing you in your life story?
Wow, congrats on your book deal!!!! You definitely deserve it. I'll still be happy to read your LOST posts, edited or not! :)
Congrats e,
I still look forward to following season 6 with you though. Don't be too brief with your analysis.
Vozzek makes a great point, as insane as it sounds you may need to take a break from your writing to write to relax... maybe :)
That is wicked awesome. Congratulations!
--joe mason
I wanted to officially congraulate you on your book deal! How excited you must be! And how glad I (and many others) are that you will keep up with LLL all throughout the last season. It just wouldn't be the same without you!
e: Just a quick note to say thanks for all the truly wonderful posts you have done. I have been your long-time avid reader, but not much of a poster. I have to say that you have added a whole new level of enjoyment to the show for me. Thanks for a great job. I will really miss checking your blog at the end of the show! For me, you're the best of the LOST bloggers. Good luck with your book.
Here is my choice of T Shirts... tough choice - a lot of really good ones!,427415736
HI Erika
Another great recap!
Here is my choice of Tee for the comp.,428910117
Paula W from Ireland
I always enjoy reading your posts/recaps and I do not care in what kind of form the are in, I'll keep reading them!
Congrats, e! What a lovely way to end the blog with the end of the show and your future literary success!
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